Friday, July 1, 2011

You can't STILL/STEAL my joy!

Hey there, sweets!

I just finished an amazing chat in our online community and realized, no matter where we are in life, what we have or don't have, we ALL have our own tears to cry and our own crosses to bear.  Similar things make us sad.  Similar things make us happy.  We all need a friend who mourns in our DEFEAT and delights in our SUCCESS.  It made me so happy to know we are all the same and how fortunate we are to have each other.  Whether we've known each other for years, or for only moments, we come together to either give or receive love.  Both are equally rewarding.  No one is responsible for our happiness, but when things get crazy, we sometimes need reminders of our value and strength to SMILE ON!

During our chat, we all agreed:  In order to live a truly happy life we must remind OURSELVES of our value/strength and just DECIDE to be happy!  No matter what.  We are worth it!  In excitement and confident support, I typed my usual, "No one is worth stilling your joy or your smile!" *Can I get an AMEN?*  Then, I noticed my typo.  BUT.... quickly realized, it still made sense!  So, I leave you with my new saying - improved and revised!  (Oh, wait! It must be stated boldly!)  Ready?  Say it with me....

"No PERSON or CIRCUMSTANCE is strong enough to STILL my joy.  It can not be STILLED.  It might be jolted, but it WILL always ROCK again!"

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