Thursday, June 30, 2011

My first post ever! YAY!

Hey, sweets! It's me, Jenn.  I really, really, really needed a place to temporarily collect/share my thoughts and ideas...before my head burst.  My business blog will be business focused and it won't be up and running for a bit longer.  My two collaboration blogs still need some time as well.  Sigh.  So, here I am on Blogger!  It's a place where I can quickly and easily start being me, because I can't hold it in any longer!!!   And if you know me or plan to know me, you'll soon find out...when I love something...that makes me super excited... I will say, "Juicy!"  I say it A LOT, but only if I mean it.  So, here's to me being me, my first blog post EVER and ALL things "JUICY!"  Smooches!


  1. Yay!! I'm your first commenter EVER! I'm so excited for you and cannot wait for your next post! xoxo

  2. I'm right behind ya sister! I think Kadi and I qualify as 2 of your biggest fans! Although, I have the privilege of seeing Jenn's juicy jaw-dropping smiling face every delightful day! Way to go babes, I'm proud of you for taking the step into the blogosphere...a place where you can share more about yourself and type till your blue in the face! Just be sure to take a break every once in a while! Otherwise you'll get carpal tunnelvision! lol Proud of you, sweets.

  3. can't wait to read more!!! xoxoxox
