Saturday, May 12, 2012

How this Momma took control of my TIME & LIFE!

I have been in business for 12 years and a Momma for even longer. My business took off with craziness when my boys were 2 and 1 and my baby girl was only a dream. It was crazy and I was flying by the seat of my pants with no GPS! I am an artist and my ultra-creative spirit left me frightened of regimen in my own life, but ironically insistent on regimen for my kids. Everything from their eating, sleeping and outfits were meticulously planned. I blame that on my background in Human Development... AND my inner fashionista. ;)

My first few years in business, I learned a hard lesson about the importance of creating a consistent daily, weekly and monthly "routine" and how it actually makes you feel more "free" and accomplished. Crazy thought, right? Well, as the business grew, my babies grew and I added another one (baby, not business). I was managing OK, but before long, "OK" wasn't ok with me anymore. I started struggling to maintain the "OK" and I knew it wouldn't be long before I sank! That thought was more paralyzing to me than any structured plan could ever be. So, against every fiber in me, I painstakingly learned to schedule my life, just as I had already done for the "healthy" development of my babies. It WAS HARD, but the temporary pain of the re-breaking of my bones was nothing compared to the pain awaiting me where I was headed. Ugggh. I squirm just thinking of it.

So, here's what I did....

  • I defined my "WHY" & wrote it out on pretty paper to hang where I could be reminded.
          Why am I a wife? A mom? A business owner?

  • I wrote out contractual promises as vows to my most cherished roles and signed them.
          This reminded me of those things I committed to myself & others when I felt like giving up.

  • I defined my top 5 priorities, considering my time & the "season" I was in.
          This helped me decide how "I" spent my time & how to set "guilt-free" boundaries.

  • I did self-assessment with a 3 day "time diary."
          This helped me see where I was spending time doing things that didn't align with my priorities.

  • I found tools that helped me build my routine & keep everyone informed of my plans.
          This helped me stay accountable & insured I was making time for the things that truly mattered.

It takes some practice, but with a determination to achieve my goals and reach some peace, it quickly became my new lifestyle. It has helped tremendously and I now coach other women how to use these same tactics to manage their time while reaching their dreams. Mastering time and balance seems to be every woman's common struggle.

I told some friends I'd write this post and share my number one, most "juiciest" tool for time management. So, here it is:

House of Doolittle - Weekly Planner - Vertical Format

Half Hour Appointment - 8.25 x 8.5 Inch

Now, there are MANY planners out there and I have tried them ALL, but here are the reasons I think this one is ideal for EVERY mom!

  1. It's large sized & averaged priced, so you'll be sure to make use of it & never LOSE it.
  2. It is one of few with 7 FULL days. Because our job goes beyond M-F!
  3. It has 30 minute TIME increments ideal for blocking your tasks as appointments.
  4. It is one of few with daily time increments up to 10 P.M. Because our job goes beyond 6 p.m!

If you try the tips I mentioned before and you find a WEEKLY APPOINTMENT PLANNER with these 4 attributes.... AND you USE it, I promise it will change your life!!!!

Keep me posted on your time management success! I'd love to celebrate with you on your journey! It is so worth the effort and YOU and your family deserve it!


Love, P&P

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a tone for all your juicy tips... thay are so presious to me. Happy Mothers Day <3
