Monday, February 6, 2012

Week 5 of 52 WINNER! - Capturing 52 Moments

Week 5 - Capturing 52 Moments with 

Week 5 we celebrated the Super Bowl on the P&P Facebook page and "An Athlete's / Champion's Heart" with our 52 week Photo Project on Flickr! If you haven't joined us yet, please do! It's so much fun watching out for all the entries and seeing everyone's take on capturing the moment!

Through this project, we're hoping to help ourselves treasure life a little more deeply by stopping the chaos to "capture one moment" a week and bottle it in our hearts forever! This project is about being deliberate to freeze "time" and relish in the beauty of it's emotion. "Capturing Moments" through pictures, videos or artwork (like Piggies & Paws), gives us tangible ways to revisit memories and fully relive the beautiful moments that all too quickly become our past.

So, I hope you join our little group as we become more deliberate in calming, capturing and ceasing every beautiful moment that will bring us memories of happiness to last our lifetime. Stopping time, in a single moment, to cherish what is truly important. I don't know what deserves our time and attention more  than that, do you?

If you want to join in, here's how easy it is....

1.  Follow our weekly themes here: Piggies & Paws on Facebook
2.  Grab your Camera or Mobile Device
3.  Live in your moments & SNAP the great ones!
4.  Join & Post in our FLICKR group here: Capturing 52 Moments with Piggies & Paws Group

  • create a flickr account that can be public - names can be fictitious for anonymity
  • join the flickr group
  • post pics with week # & theme as it's title
  • watch for new theme and winners every Monday on our Facebook Page or HERE!
  • watch for monthly winners on the FIRST of every month HERE! (see *big announcement*)

***Big Announcement!*** At the end of each month, I'll pick my most favorite photo from the entire month and award the winner with another great way they can capture special moments in their lives!!!! Yup, I will give our monthly winner A GIFT CERTIFICATE for one free Piggies & Paws design to be redeemed with your local P&P artist!  Exciting, huh?  So, tell your friends and keep those submissions coming!!!

So.....are you ready to find out our WEEK 5 winner???

WEEK 5 - "An Athlete's/Champion's Heart!"

THE WINNER is 5lemarrs!!!

I loved this so much because it shows so much "heart" in this young boy. It inspired me to think of this...."A Champion's heart is no stranger to mistakes, correction and the guidance of a dedicated coach."

Congratulations, 5lemarrs! Here is your Winner's Button!

Right click the image to save save it to your computer for use on your Facebook Wall, Flickr page, or ANYWHERE you want!
If you have a blog and want to share your win there, here's the HTML code that you can copy & paste:

<a href=""><img src="" width="175" border="0"></a>

Here are two Honorable Mentions!

The LOVE for Golf
"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."
-T.S. Elliot

The Heart of the Game...."FUN!"
by hitchcock.kathy

To celebrate your "moment," here's a 
participant's button for YOU!!

Spread the love!  
If you have a blog, you can share your Participant Button by copying and pasting this code to your page:

<a href=""><img src="" width="175" border="0"></a>

and for this week.....

"If you could see inside my heart......"
to coincide with the same theme on the Piggies & Paws Facebook Page.

P.S. Look for this week's "inspiration pic" in my next BLOG post!
Smooches! - Jenn <3

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